Hawk Eye Inspections
& Construction Consultants

Services Available

We founded our business on three main principles - quality, pricing, and service - and we pride ourselves on our commitment to these principles each day. Hawk Eye Inspections provides outstanding contracting services to all of our clients, and are here to ensure that all of your needs are met. Take a look below to see the variety of services we offer, and what we can do for you today.
Building Components | Property Condition Assessment PCA and Inspection Considerations:
Structural Systems and façade of each building.
Roofing Systems components and materials.
Plumbing Systems including potable water supply and sewers.
Heating Systems equipment and components.
Electrical Systems equipment and components.
Vertical Transportation such as escalators or elevators.
Fire-Protection Systems including sprinklers and fire hydrants.
Life Safety Systems such as fire alarm and emergency lighting.
General Interior finishes and conditions.
Property Condition Assessment follows the nationally accepted ASTM 2018-15 Standard Guide for Property Condition Assessments in performing building inspections.
Building Components | Property Condition Assessment PCA and Inspection Considerations:
Structural Systems and façade of each building.
Roofing Systems components and materials.
Plumbing Systems including potable water supply and sewers.
Heating Systems equipment and components.
Electrical Systems equipment and components.
Vertical Transportation such as escalators or elevators.
Fire-Protection Systems including sprinklers and fire hydrants.
Life Safety Systems such as fire alarm and emergency lighting.
General Interior finishes and conditions.

Commercial inspection services
Commercial Property Condition assessments (PCA)
Commercial Property Inspections (CPI)
An examination of a specific component or system which requires special assessment by a qualified expert – such as engineering consults for design, foundations, roofs, or structure.